Saturday, October 11, 2008


Arclight Records

Atmospheric elements abound on this record, which is named after the length of its lone track. There is a time and a place for such an album, one surely must be in the proper frame of mind to fully absorb such a lengthy composition, especially when the aura of said music ranges from harsh, hardcore doom to fluid, transcendental jazz. Cardinale displays a great amount of musical ability during this wandering journey, with sound composition being a strongpoint as the group leads the listener through what is, by all rights, a half-hour of quality jamming.

Although the commercial potential of such an undertaking is limited due to public stereotypes that demand three minute, encapsulated musical ideas, this is still an album that deserves to be heard by a much broader audience than its format will allow. Cardinale impress as a more diverse version of Sleep or a less exaggerated Yob, pummeling away at stoned, loose rhythms, sometimes backed by a welcome wall of distortion.

With more artists moving toward this type of open-ended jam, it’s a fashion that is gaining more attention. Although you really must devote some time in becoming familiar with “31:13”, the time spent is rewarding. Such undertakings underline a still-young sort of creativity that you just can’t find in a short, catchy blurb. In an effort to be all encompassing and articulately emotive, Cardinale succeeds in quantifying music as time.

Written By: El Blunto

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